FIVA appoints FHVI as its ANF in India to promote vintage and classic cars

The international body FIVA has appointed the Federation of Historical Vehicles in India as its ANF, seeks to drive the historic vehicle movement further in the country
FIVA appoints FHVI as its ANF in India to promote vintage and classic cars

The FIVA (Federation Internationale des Vehicules Anciens, or International Federation of Historical Vehicles) has appointed the FHVI ( Federation of Historical Vehicles of India) as its ANF (Autorite Nationale de la FIVA). The national FIVA authoritative status is granted to a single federation based on their capability and seeks to drive the historic vehicle movement further in that particular country. FIVA is an organisation dedicated to the preservation, protection and promotion of historical motor vehicles worldwide as well as the culture that surrounds them, and has been given UNESCO status as a non-governmental partner. FIA (Fédération Internationale de l'Automobile or International Automobile Federation) deals with modern cars, motorsports event and activities are markedly different from that of FIVA's, but both agencies share the main objective are to protect, preserve and promote historic vehicles. Last year both the governing bodies renewed their partnership.

Coming to the FHVI or Federation of Historic Vehicles of India, it has been registered under Societies Act and was established in 2017 with its mission to manage the rich heritage of Veteran, Edwardian, Vintage and Classic Automobiles and the Utilitarian Vehicles in India. The FHVI will join the ranks of 70 FIVA members around the world that are also recognised as the ANF members and have the rights to represent all vintage and classic vehicle communities as well as issue FIVA ID cards (or vehicle passports, as they are known) to help confirm and certify if a motorcycle or motor vehicle has any historical motoring heritage or significance.

FIVA has appointed the FHVI for a period of three years before it is set to renew it for an infinite period. The decision was taken after quite a considerable time as well as deliberation. The FIVA currently has two member organisations in India associated with them, one being the FHVI and the other one being the Vintage & Classic Car Club of India (VCCCI). The VCCFI is an association of people who are passionate collectors of vintage and classic cars, and have often championed the cause to bring closer cooperation, if not a merger, between these governing bodies.

Speaking about the new AFN, Tiddo Bresters, president, FIVA, said, “This decision will lead to closer cooperation between FHVI and VCCFI and, ideally, a merger of the two organisations in the foreseeable future, demonstrating a unity of purpose and direction for the entire historic vehicle community in India.”

FIVA claims the FHVI should continue its successful promotion of classic vehicle culture in India along with state governments, and in particular protecting the use of these vintage vehicles on public roads. FIVA also encourages the VCCFI and FHVI to work closely to promote the mission to protect vintage and classic cars as valuables as well as increase the application drive for FIVA ID cards for vintage vehicles of all types in India.

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