McLaren MTC is on Google street view
McLaren MTC is on Google street view McLaren Technology Centre

McLaren MTC is on Google street view

Kurt Morris

If you ever wanted to see what an F1 team's headquarters look like, now is the ideal time to spend an afternoon wandering around the halls of McLaren MTC ( McLaren Technology Center) based in Woking, England. All you have to do is search McLaren MTC on Google, and you will land on the Google Street view of this entire space. McLaren recently tweeted out saying that you can visit their headquarters from the comfort of the one sofa. It is an ideal way to spend your free time during this quarantine period.

You can check out the boulevard of cars that feature all the winning Formula 1 cars on display ranging from Bruce McLaren’s Can-Am cars all the way to Senna’s Honda-powered F1 winning car from the ’90s and you will even be able to spot current world champion Lewis Hamilton’s first championship-winning car.

The McLaren Boulevard is the place to be on this virtual tour where you see all the previously mentioned cars. You can also marvel at the architecture that Norman Foster-designed these are the same folks that have designed most of the new Formula 1 tracks and then known for their spectacular architecture.

McLaren Boulevard is the place to be on this virtual tour

A lot of attention to detail was paid when building the MTC, it almost feels like an IT setup that delivers software solutions and has a very Apple retail-like feel to the entire space. A little-known fact is that McLaren supplies a lot of software solutions to the whole F1 grid such as data management software and other technical solutions. McLaren is also involved heavily in the private sector by taking up projects like air traffic management and other healthcare solutions, all undertaken by McLaren technologies, a separate division housed in the same unit at MTC.

We highly encourage you to take a look at this entire setup on Google street view and go through some of the histories of this very successful Formula 1 team, so you can keep yourself entertained during this current time period.

And while you’re at it, you can also check out the McLaren documentary on Amazon Prime that covers the team’s recent turbulent period in Formula One.