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United Motorsports Academy to host L.I.M.E 2.0
Abhinav Seta
2 min read
L.I.M.E is an initiative by UMA wherein enthusiasts get exposure to motorsports engineering knowledge through a dedicated 13-day course
The Ahmedabad round offered a close look at how intense the competition can be.
Mohit Vashisth
2 min read
Thrilling races, unexpected turns, and championship battles unfold in the EKA Arena in Ahmedabad for the second round of the CEAT ISRL
Balewadi stadium converted into a supercross arena
Zubbin Veera
2 min read
The Ceat ISRL’s first round was held on January 28 in Pune and witnessed 10,000 spectators
The team owners of the BigRock Motorsport team in the Ceat Indian Supercross Racing League
Dipan Sur
2 min read
The BigRock Motorsport team is co-owned by C S Santosh, N Gautam and Uday Shankar
Rakshith Dave with his trophy at the Malaysian Superbike Championship
Trayambak Chakravarty
2 min read
Young rider Rakshith Dave made history with a double win at the Sepang International Circuit in Malaysia
A golden chance for aspiring motorsport enthusiasts
Sudipto Chaudhury
3 min read
The motorsport powerhouses have come together in a venture aimed at greater participation from motorsport debutants and enthusiasts, with the promise of a race-ready car and team
Jeet Jhabakh (5) on his way to winning race 2 in ITC class
Sudipto Chaudhury
2 min read
Keith D’Souza and Jeet Jhabakh notched wins in the Touring Car races, Chetan Korada and Chandresh Tolia shared honours in Saloon Car series while Raghul Rangasamy did a clean sweep in the Super Stock ...
Oh what fun it'll be to see tyres smoking again!
Sudipto Chaudhury
2 min read
A list of the various pan-India motorsport events along with tentative dates has just been revealed, and we couldn’t be happier!
V Satish Kumar, Director of Marketing at Indian Oil was present at the launch of the Storm-X racing fuel
Zubbin Veera
4 min read
The Storm-X racing fuel gets a rating of Ron98 and may be the key to lead F1 back to the Indian shores
It is expected that the Indian GP will be moved to March for the coming years.
Mohit Vashisth
2 min read
Reason claimed to be unsuitable weather conditions; “Money was never the issue,” say insiders
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Evo India